Wednesday, August 31, 2016

5 Tips To Become A Better Online Researcher

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With the advancement of technology, the effort required to find information for things such as research papers, assignments, academic writings and the likes has been easier than ever. However, you might be experiencing difficulties when you are trying to get relevant facts as there are plethora’s of results once you hit the search button on the Google search engine. Fret not, as you might not be the only one who come across these problems. 

While sites like Google is undoubtedly a magnificent search engine which operates at the speed of light, it sometimes provides too much information which you might find them overwhelming. In addition, you might also experience frustrating events where you spend whole day searching for details on the net but to no avail. Here are some five useful tips to hone your Internet searching skills. 

1. Use Your School’s Resources 
More often than not, all the information that you need is available on the online resources provided by your school. Besides, it also prepares helpful tips on how to manage and complete each assignment effectively. Most schools’ libraries also have access to academic databases such as Medline, Ovid and Scopus. 

2. Use Google Scholar 
Google Scholar offers more specific and refined results like the scholarly publications. Unlike Google search, it automatically helps you to filter all of the unrelated results in Google’s regular search. Hence, this will save majority of your time and you can spend more time writing your essays. Nonetheless, not all of the publications shown are free for access. 

3. Use Google Books 
Google Books is another useful site to search for specific book publications. In addition, it is also a great source to find reliable information on the topics that you are working on. Although it only displays parts of the books’ contents, you can still find most of the information that you require. Furthermore, your citation task will be much easier as it always shows the copyright pages in their previews. 

4. Use Unique Terms 
As mentioned above, you would be amazed by the amount of results when you are doing research for the topic of your work. This is partly due to the fact that the more general the term you search, the more results your search will appear. One of the ways to reduce your search results tremendously is using unique keywords that are specific to the subject that you are researching. 

5. Use The Advanced Search Function 
Advanced Search Function is another great tool for you to obtain more refined and specific results from Google search engine. In order to use the Advanced Search Function, simply click ‘Settings’ tab on the Google homepage and select “Advanced Search”. After that, you can narrow down your search by various filters such as language, region, last update, and file type. 

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