Sunday, August 7, 2016

3 Benefits of Protein Shakes

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Protein shakes are no stranger to fellow bodybuilders and fitness fan. The rest of the society, on the other hand, often have bad impression towards protein shakes. They are often regarded as chalky powders which taste horrible and they barely dissolve and form clumps when they are mixed with water. Nonetheless, protein powder has undergone vast improvement as time passes by. Now they not only mix easily in fluids, but also come in a wide array of flavours; be it chocolate, strawberry, banana and the likes.  

The most common protein used in the production of protein shakes is whey. Whey is the watery part of milk that is separated from curd after coagulation, as in cheese making. It is usually processed from cow’s milk-soy and hemp. Adding merely a scoop of protein powder into your daily diet can provide a huge difference. Besides, protein shakes do more than just enhancing your exercise and building muscles. Here are some three wonderful benefits of taking protein shakes daily.  

1. Sufficient Daily Protein Intake 
The consumption of protein shakes can ensure that you are having enough amount of protein every day. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 gm/kg body weight. Hence, instead of trying to achieve the target through food intake where most of the food contain scarce amount of protein, a single protein shake meal can provide enough or even surpass the minimum protein requirements for your body.  

2. Weight Control 
Protein shakes are often used as meal replacements as they enable you to control your fat and calorie intake. This is partly due to the fact that protein is known to make you feel full for a longer period of time as they take more energy and time to be digested compared to carbohydrates or fats. Thus they are useful for those who have intentions to shed some pounds.  

3. Convenient and Nutritious 
With all the tasks that are waiting for you to be done, the idea of replenish yourself with nutrients might be the last thing that comes to your mind. All you could think is too fill your stomach with something fast and easily available; chips, and cookies. Consuming these unhealthy snacks will eventually cause you to be tired and feel lousy. In this situation, where you might be short of time, a protein shake is the best alternative as it is filled with nutrients and easy to make within minutes. 

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