Saturday, May 7, 2016

5 Things Only People Who Have Friends Living Abroad Would Understand

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Friendship is one of the most valuable things that we can have in life. Although we do not need it to survive, we require friendship to keep us sane and make our lives more meaningful. We do not only enjoy having companions, but also live well by interacting with various kind people regardless of their races, religions, cultures and origins.  

It is important to choose the rights friends to mix with. The more friends you make, the higher the chances of you finding your ideal bunch of friends. With the advancement of the technology, it has become easier for us to connect with our friends who are living abroad without any hassle. 

You can keep in touch with your best friends that have moved to another area or make new friends through social networks. Having said that, here are the five things that only those who have oversea friends would understand: 

1. You Can Save A Lot On Accommodations.
Traveling to countries like Australia or UK during your holiday can cost you a bomb if you were to stay in the local hotels. As a student or those with tight budget, you can definitely save a lot if you choose to crash in your friends’ places and probably in exchange you can offer by cooking meals even get a small gift for them.

2. You Get To Learn Their Cultures.
While Google may be a good source for you to learn, getting to know traditions and cultures of a place directly from your friends who are the natives is definitely a better option. They give much more accurate insights of their hometown and interesting things which are probably not mentioned on the Internet. 

3. Learning New Languages.  
You can certainly pick up a foreign language through the language centre, but you get to learn quicker and easier if you are constantly using the language to interact with your international friends who happens to speak fluently in that language. Nonetheless, they might laugh at your terrible pronunciations.

4. You Learn To Appreciate Your Hometown.  
You may always listen to your friends studying abroad lamenting about how they miss their hometown, the food and the weather. Then, you will brush them off by saying how lucky they are being able to live overseas and get to experience so many things. Until you have decided to visit them and live with them for a month, you realize that the novelty of living abroad has worn off and you start agreeing with your friends. 

5. You Get To Expand Your Network. 
Having friends from different parts of the world allows you to encounter all sorts of interesting people while you are visiting them. You get to know more people in the process, especially your friend’s family and his friends too. These will help you to grow your network and getting more job opportunities when you have graduated from university.


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