Wednesday, May 4, 2016

3 Things to Remember If You Want To Do Things That You Love For a Living

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Generally most of us have ambitions since we were young, (or we would have to force ourselves to think one and filled it in the ‘my ambition’ section of the student forms and handed it to the teacher) whether to become a policeman, firefighter, doctor and the like. The hard truth is that not all of us are able to achieve our dreams and hopes of landing the jobs we love.

According to the latest Gallup polls, only 13% of the employees feel engaged by their occupations. That leaves a staggering 87% of them who are either ‘not engaged’ or simply hate their jobs! If you want to do the jobs that you love or even helping those who wish to change, here are three simple yet effective tips that you should bear in mind.

1. Skills You Are Good At. 
It is easier said than done. While it might be a simple question to ask yourself what skills do you have, most people find themselves struggling to answer it. Take your time and write down a list of things that you are great at, be they acquired or innate skills. Then choose to do things that involve the skills that you already have and you will find yourself enjoying them.

2. Improve Yourself. 
People who do things they love will always try to improve themselves by any means in order to be the top in their industries. Having said that, you should do the same thing as well. Keep yourself constantly updated with current news in your areas of interests. In addition, improve your knowledge by at reading books or listening to podcasts about your field every day. While it may not guarantee you to be successful, you will find yourself getting better.

3. Take Failures As Valuable Lessons. 
Failure is the most common reason that stops people from doing what they love to do. While it is inevitable, you should take failures as stepping stones to improvement and success. Each time you fail, you are considerably a step closer to your goals. Analyze your failures and think of solutions and take different approaches to ensure that you will never repeat the same mistakes again in future.

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