Wednesday, February 24, 2016

5 Tips For Eating Healthy On a College Budget

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Eating healthy while you are in college can be as tough as passing your examinations with first class honours, if not tougher. With the ever so increasing tuition fees and costs of living, healthy eating could be the last thing that appears in your mind. Purchasing organic products is not even an option, as those inorganic vegetables and fruits in the markets are already expensive themselves. 

Nonetheless, what appears to be an impossible challenge is actually achievable, as eating healthy can be affordable. So the question remains on how to avoid getting yourself into common dietary pitfalls while you are living independently in college. With wise planning and budgets, you can practise healthy diet in your lifestyle. 

Here are the easy 6 tips that you can use to eat healthily even when you are on tight-budget:

1.  Purchase Items In Bulk  
Increase your stocks with healthy food that has long shelf life such as grains, oatmeal, nuts, dried seeds, crackers and the likes. It is also a smart move to buy your staples in bulks as they often comes with a cheaper price. While fresh fruits such as apples and oranges can hold up to two weeks, dry items such as rice crackers and whole wheat pasta can last up to several months, if not longer.  

2. Change Your Snacks 
Throw all those unhealthy crisps and sweets you have gotten from the convenient stores into the dustbin. Instead of devouring them, upgrade your snacks to something better for your body such as nuts and seeds or fresh fruits! Therefore, when you are hungry in the middle of the night burning the midnight oil, you will not be tempted by those high-calorie junk food that brings nothing but harm to your health in the long term. 

3. Consume A Lot Of Fresh Fruits
As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is no rocket science that consuming fresh fruits is part of maintaining healthy diet and it brings a lot of benefits to your body. Experts suggests that we should have at least 5 different colours of fruits in our daily diet. To ease the hassle of reminding yourself to chew all the 5 types of food, you can simply blend them up and make it into a glass of fresh fruit juices. 

4. Reduce Sugar Intake  
Try to avoid yourself from taking sugary food as much as possible. Although it provides energy and some nutrients, it generally brings more harm than good. If it is used excessively, it can lead to several complications, such as obesity, tooth decay, just to name a few. In addition, eating sugary food does not keep you feeling full. Consequently, you will end up spending more money to fill your empty stomach.  

5. Choose Frozen Food
Frozen products are much cheaper compared to fresh ones and items such as fruits and vegetables are usually frozen right after being picked. As a result, most of the nutrients are retained in them. Furthermore, they can last way longer since you can keep them in the freezer compartment when you are not using them.

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