Friday, February 26, 2016

4 Reasons Your Cousins Are Your Best Friends

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When you were young, the next closest people to you other than your family members are your cousins! They are probably your first best friends that you have made in your life. They are considered special because not only they are your playmates, they also share the same blood with you. 

Simply to put, you may have maintained great relationship with your cousins over the years because you only meet them several times a year, especially during holidays and special occasions. You do not even have enough time to be spent together, let alone getting irritated with one another. 

Above all, here are the top five reasons why they are your best friends. 

1. They Make Family Gathering Merrier. 
Family gathering are definitely much more fun when you have your cousins around. Aside from devouring delicious homemade food, you guys will often take this opportunity to catch up with one another, sharing stories and hilarious jokes. They never fail to live up the environment and help you to pass the time.  

2. You Grew Up With Them. 
They literally know you inside out and the best thing is that they accept you the way you are. Growing together, you may share a lot of things with one another, particularly those first time experiences such as talking about relationships. Regardless of how long it has been since you last saw them, you will have things to talk about when you hang out together. 

3. Share The Same Inside Jokes. 
There are countless mentions of inside jokes and memories that you shared with your cousins. You found out that you are actually not the only one who thinks that your uncle has a bizarre fashion sense or you joked about your aunt’s hilarious laugh. It seems like you are not the only one who are observant in the family. 

4. You Just Have To Be Yourself. 
When you are spending time with your cousins, you get to let it all out and just be yourself without fearing how your cousins would see you because you know they are not judgemental. You do not feel the social pressure to present yourself well in the public that comes with hanging out with your friends. The only thing that they matter most is your presence!

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