Saturday, August 15, 2015

5 Things To Do During Your Summer Vacation

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Finally summer is here! Sun’s out, guns out. Say hello to your ever lovely summer break, warm weather and bade goodbyes to your college or university. This is the time where you can actually spend your time doing things that you love without having to worry about school’s work. 

While most of us love summer and have numerous plans for ourselves, we have the tendency to end up doing the same old activities that we have done during previous summer. In the blink of an eye, your summer holiday ends and you will realise that you have not done anything exiting and worth to be remembered.  

Summer is meant to be enjoyed and you will definitely regret if you spend your whole break doing nothing. Take some time to enjoy yourself with the warm glowing rays of sunlight and make this summer a little different by creating memories which you will carry never forget!

Having said that, here are some five awesome things you should do during your summer vacation:

1. Sleep As Late As Possible.
After burning midnight oil continuously for the past few months due to the final examination, you can finally have a good sleep during the holidays. Gone are the days where you suffered by sleeping for a mere three to four hours every day in order to do revision and catching up on previous lectures that you have missed. Now is the time for you to pay all the sleeping debts that you have accumulated throughout the exam period. 

2. Go On A Trip.  
As the saying goes, ‘all work and no play make Jack a dull boy’. Plan a trip for yourself, be it a solo vacation or with friends and family members. Travelling allows you to relieve yourself from the stress that you are facing each day, such as dealing with heavy workloads or working against tight deadlines. Moreover, it can also refresh your mind and recharge yourself. Hence, you will be more energised and ready to work harder towards your goals.

3. Binge Watch Dramas and Movies.
You have refrained yourself from watching your favourite television shows and movies for you want to focus on your studies. Now that school is over, here comes the chance for you to catch up on all the dramas such as Grey’s Anatomy and Games of Thrones that you have missed dearly.  

4. Reconnect With Your Old Friends. 
All of you have your own life to live and sometimes it is practically impossible to plan a gathering and execute it. While some of you are living far away from one another, the rest of you might be too busy engaging with your careers. Summer break is the perfect period for you to find your old friends and reconnect with them. Also, it gives you an opportunity to strengthen the bond with one another.

5. Do Something New Every Day. 
You only have one life to live and you need to make sure that you are fully making use of it. Explore, explore and explore. There are so many things in this world for you to discover and up till now I believe most of you must have only ventured a small part of this magnificent place that you live. Try something new every day during your summer break where it can be as simple as getting to know people around your neighbourhood to extreme activities such as going for a hike or camp at the hills nearest to your house.

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