Sunday, July 26, 2015

5 Signs You Are An Old Soul

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If you frequently find yourself being more mature than the rest of your friends or you simply unable to find common interest with the people of your age, you may have an old soul within you. Furthermore, you feel that you just cannot relate to the things that your group of friends considered fun and exciting. 

‘Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the right.’ – Sarah Williams, ‘The Old Astronomer’.

You may also find that you can mix better with people much older than you. Old in mind, heart and soul, people with old souls often possess different attitude towards life which tend to be vastly different compared to those around them. Consequently, they live their lives internally, walking their own solitary path while the rest are flocking together to a common path. 

Here are some of the five signs that you are an old soul. 

1.  You Think Twice Before Making A Decision.
Regardless how inpatient you are, you will always ensure that you have thought each thing thoroughly before deciding your next course of action. People with old soul think things through every aspects for they want to make sure that they are making the right choices in their lives. Otherwise, you will find yourself feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. 

2. You Give Advice Beyond Your Age. 
You have the ability to provide wise words to the people around you when they seek advice from you. Sometimes, they are wondering how on earth you can come up with those solutions and even you yourself are bewildered. You just seem to know it as if you have encountered such problems previously. Hence, you are often the first person they approach when they are facing any difficulty.  

3. You Move Forward And Use Time Wisely. 
People with old heart, soul and mind do not waste time pondering about their failures. Instead, they find ways to improve themselves and solutions to solve their problems. In fact, they are not afraid of failures and sit around talking about getting things done. They hold firm to the sayings ‘action speaks louder than words’. At the end of the day, they believe that all things will work out just as they planned.

4. You Love To Learn. 
You grab each and every opportunity to learn as many things as you can from people around you. You have an appreciation for knowledge and you know that learning is part of life. In addition, you see every problem as a learning experience. More often than not, you often reflect on your actions search for improvements in order to be a better person. 

5. You Treasure Deep And Meaningful Connections.
It is all about quality over quantity. People with old soul value each connection that they made with people around them. They may have a small group of friends but they are tightly bonded to one another. Furthermore, you are deeply connected to your friends and you often commit 100% to everything, be it relationship or friendship.  


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