Monday, May 11, 2015

5 Types of Tea You Should Be Drinking

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Tea is perhaps one of the most consumed beverages in the world aside from coffee and water. Not only does it cools you down in the hot summer, tea also warms you during freezing winter. Apart from that, we are able to connect with complete strangers that share common interest with us, which is tea!

While there are various types of tea that are available in the market, all of them are made from a shrub called the Camellia Sinesis. Truth be told, it is actually the processing methods that cause them to be different from one another. For example, green tea is made by plucking partially withered leaves, rolling and then heating them. Black tea, on the other hand, undergoes the same process but they are fermented before going through the final heating process. 

Here are the five types of tea and their benefits when you drink them on a regular basis.

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1. White Tea
The leaves are harvested by hand when they are still very young and it is the least processed amongst all type of tea. In addition, white tea also contains the least amount of caffeine and most antioxidants of all tea varietals. Because of its young leaves, this tea has a mild flavour. Researchers suggest that white tea provides beneficial effects on cardiovascular as well as diabetic sufferers. It also has anti-cancer properties and white tea also helps to boost immune system.

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2. Green Tea
After plucking the leaves, they are heat-treated immediately to prevent fermentation process from occurring before rolled and further heated. Due to its minimal processing, green tea has a natural grassy flavour which helps to relief stress. Furthermore, it is rich in EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a strong antioxidants which has the potential to prevent cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, green tea is popular for its role in weight-loss and maintains good health. 

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3. Oolong Tea
Similar to black tea, the leaves undergo the process of fermentation in order to made Oolong tea albeit for a shorter period of time. As a result, the leaves are usually brownish in colour and gives a distinct aromatic flavour, not to mention rich and smooth taste. Oolong tea helps to reduce blood cholesterol level and boosts metabolism which is useful as a weight loss supplement. In addition, it also contains niacin which helps in detoxification of the body.

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4. Black Tea
It is probably the most widely known variety of teas. Teas such as Earl Grey and Darjeeling are some of the popular types of Black tea available in the market. The leaves are rolled, fermented until they are fully oxidised and then heated before they are crushed. The oxidation process accounts for the dark colour as well as strong, brisk flavour with a tinge of bitterness. It also has the highest caffeine content amongst all tea types. The high antioxidant content in black tea is linked to lower blood cholesterol level and reduce the risk of stroke.

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5. Chamomile Tea
Unlike the teas mentioned above, chamomile tea is not made from Camellia Sinesis. It is actually produced from the daisy-like flowers of the chamomile plant. Having said that, it does not contain any caffeine and it gives a sweet floral scent with a bright golden infusion when brewed. Honey is often added into chamomile tea to enhance its natural light and fruity flavour. Research shows that the antioxidant content in chamomile helps to stunt the growth of cancer cells. Furthermore, it also has the ability to calm the mind and relieving headache. 

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