Monday, May 18, 2015

5 Reasons You Should Travel Alone

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When we think of traveling, nothing is more compelling than inviting a whole bunch of people to be our travel mates, be it our friends, family members or even colleagues. We have the notion of ‘the more, the merrier’ when it comes to vacation. All we want to do is to spend our time with the closed ones and relaxing.

While having a trip in groups is fun, solo traveling has its perks too. Despite the stigma attached to doing things alone, traveling by yourself can be a very rewarding thing to do. More often than not, going for a solo trip can be a life-changing experience for most people. Here are the top five reasons you should travel to a place on your own.

1. Meeting New People
You will also be able to make new friends when you are traveling within a group. However, the tendency to stick to your own friends is high and you do not have the opportunity get to know these new friends better. When you are all by yourself in a foreign land, you will make tighter bonds with other travellers that you have made along the way as you spend most of the time together.  

2. Make Your Own Plan
With solo travelling, you can schedule your own itinerary for the entire duration of your trip. You do not have to visit places that you are completely not interested with such as museums that most people visit just because they are famous. In addition, you can choose to do whatever activity that you want without having to worry that your travel mates might find them boring. 

3. Being More Independent
When you are going for a trip alone, you will grow to become more independent by the end of the trip. At that moment, you are fully on your own and you have to do practically everything by yourself, from planning places to visit, arranging accommodation to taking care of your belongings. Furthermore, you will have to look out for yourself because nobody else is going to do it for you.

4. Overcome Your Fear
Travelling alone to a foreign country where you are not familiar with will certainly freak you out, especially if you are doing it for the first time. Nonetheless, I have heard countless of stories from people who have done solo travelling and surprisingly, most of them claimed that it was probably one of the best decisions they have made in their lives. You will be proud of yourself to overcome the sense of fear and insecurity in you.

5. You Learn To Appreciate Loved Ones
As the saying goes, ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’. Travelling alone makes you realise the importance of your friends and family members, not to mention your partner in your life. While it is clearly not recommended to always travel by yourself, getting away from them once in a while allows you to refresh yourself. Also, it is a good way to treat and pamper yourself as a reward for constantly giving yourself to others.

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