Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How To Become A Web Developer Later In Life

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You have worked all your life to get a degree with ‘summa cum laude’ (Latin phrase which means “with the highest distinction) and settle in a plain nine to five job. After working for several years, you realise that working in your current field is not your calling. You feel trapped and constrained by the job that you are doing every day and somewhere deep in your mind, you think of changing your career. In fact, you are not alone as there are many people out there who are wandering about the same thing in life. 

Changing your career later in life can be a little intimidating but it can yield enormous amount of advantages. With the advancement of technology and internet, learning a new skill is now easier than ever, particularly in the field of web development. Contrary to popular beliefs, coding skill can be learnt regardless of your age and becoming a web developer is one of the most lucrative jobs at the moment. Having said that, Varooma has come up with an infographic that outlines some five useful steps to become a web developer. 

Click on the image to enlarge the infographic view.
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  1. Do help to share this post and spread your love if you think this post could help peoples around you. Have a nice weekend and cheers!
