Wednesday, June 21, 2017

5 Signs You Are a Mature Person

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When you are living at certain stage of your life, you tend to realise that you need to grow up. Maturity does not come with age, it comes with experience. It is a state where people start to become aware of things that happen around them, being sensitive and care for others, not to mention have excellent manners at all times. 

Additionally, you also start taking responsible for things that you have done. Even though you may not feel any difference in yourself, you will be surprised by the massive changes that you have gone through when you reflect on the person you were and the person you are now. 

Here are the top five signs that you have grown into a mature person. 

1. You Are Adapted To Changes. 
You accept the fact that things will never stay the way they are. There is nothing permanent except change. You no longer feel down or disappointed when things did not go as planned. Instead you take an alternative path and get on with your life. You believe that things change for a reason and there is no fixed path to success. 

2. You Listen More Thank You Speak. 
You realise that you do not always have to be the one who speaks the most or become the centre of attention. You tend to speak less and listen more to others. By doing this, you are able to gain more information and people will perceive you as a good listener as you are paying attention to what they say. You are also able to process things that you hear better instead of constantly thinking what you have in mind. 

3. You Put Your Family First. 
Back in high school time, you would always put your friends before anything else. They are the most important people in your life at that time. Family came after them and you never fail to turn up in each hangout with your friends. Now, you prefer to spend more time with your family members and treasure each second you have with them. 

4. You Find Yourself Giving Similar Advice As Your Parents. 
We are all tired listening to the constant nagging our parents made with ‘It’s all for your own good’ tag at the end of each line. That happens until you find yourself giving your friend the very same advice! More often than not, you realise that the advice your parents gave you are true and you find them useful in life. 

5. Real Happiness Is Not Brought With Money. 
You notice that money is an indicator of happiness. Although it might bring temporary contentment, you find that it is the little things money cannot but that make you genuinely happy. In addition, you realise that happiness is brought upon by the people in your life that help you to create wonderful and sweet memories.  

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