Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 Things Only People Who Live In Tropical Regions Understand

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The tropics are generally areas surrounding the equator of the Earth with a constant hot temperature throughout the year. The places include Brazil, countries in the Caribbean as well as those in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. 

Since the tropical zones only experience summer, they are often perceived as the gateways to paradise by the foreigners who lived in areas with four seasons. Here are some of the five common things that only those who live in the tropics understand. 

1. You Can Wear Shirts And Shorts Every Day.
Living in the tropics gives you the privilege of wearing no more than a T-shirt, a pair of shorts and flip flops all day every day. In addition, you get to enjoy better movement with those thin clothing instead of wearing multiple layers of thick and heavy winter garments.

2. You See Tourists All The Time.
Without a doubt, visitors will be flooding in the tropical regions in order to avoid from extreme heat or cold back in their countries. You will see different travellers of various races wandering around the streets and engaging themselves with the cultures and traditions in your area every day.

3. You Wish There Is Winter In Your Country.
After living in the hot regions all your life, you yearn to leave the country and go to somewhere with cold climate instead. This is because there are only two seasons in the tropics which are dry or wet. However, one of the advantages of living in countries with two seasons is that you can wear the same type of clothing the whole year.

4. Air Conditioner Is The Best Creation Of All 
Due to the high level of humidity and hot climate in the tropical regions, it can be exhausting to live in such places. You consider the existence of air conditioner as a blessing where you get to relieve yourself from the scorching hot weather temporarily. Thus, it is common to find most of the locals in places with air conditioning such as cafes and malls.

5. You Get To Enjoy Fresh Fruits And Seafood Anytime. 
One of the perks of living in the tropics is that you are able to consume all sorts of fresh exotic fruits such as durians, mangosteens and the likes that only grow in these places. Apart from that, if you are living near the sea, there is an abundant supply of seafood that you can purchase from the local markets to devour.


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