Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Guide To Cake And Wine Pairings

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Most people have a penchant for delicious piece of cakes as well as wines. Cake and wine are similar in a sense that both of them have come in a long way with a lot of histories which continue to evolve up till today. Pairing both of them together can seem pretty intimidating considering the fact that both stand strong on their own. 

However, it does not necessarily have to be that way. The moment you get a cake and wine pairing right, they can end up with an astonishing result! In fact, cake and wine actually go well together, not to mention enhancing each other’s flavours. Having said that, Amara has collaborated with Alice Feiring, an award-winning wine specialist to create an amazing infographic that outlines the perfect combinations of your favourite cakes and wines. 

Click on the image to enlarge the infographic view.
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  1. Help to share this post if you think it is a good read! Enjoy your day and cheers!
